Having read the above disclosure or Having read the Privacy Disclosure pursuant to arts. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) No. 679/2016 (“GDPR”) to full privacy policy, I hereby express my will:Data processing for the purpose of complying with contractual and legal obligations and for organisational management purposes arising from the participation/visit or related to the participation/visit in the Event (purposes 1. and 2. of the disclosure)
Data processing for marketing purposes (market research, commercial communications, press releases, advertising and promotional communications offering goods and services via ordinary mail, telephone operator, email and the like) concerning the activity of Promoberg and Confindustria (purpose 3. of the disclosure)
I hereby permit Koelnmesse GmbH, as well as its responsible subsidiaries abroad and its commercial agents, to send me information by e-mail about future similar trade fairs/events/ platforms that are organized in Germany and abroad. A list of the subsidiaries and commercial agents of Koelnmesse GmbH, as well as further details about data protection, can be accessed at any time at https://www.koelnmesse.com/data-protection/data-protection-notice.I can withdraw my consent at any time in the future (by sending an e-mail to dataprivacy@koelnmesse.de)